High schoolers have an opportunity to accelerate their educational process through a program called dual enrollment. Not sure what dual enrollment is? Listen to our collegiate expert and determine if this is an opportunity for you!

Jasmine Cox
Jasmine Cox is the Dual Enrollment Specialist at Columbus Technical College. She was born and raised in Albany, Ga. Jasmine graduated with a B.S. in Criminal Justice from Columbus State University in May of 2019. She permanently moved to Columbus, Ga in 2020 to pursue her career in higher education. In May 2021, at the young age of 22, Jasmine graduated with her M.Ed. from Columbus State University. She has a passion for the Dual Enrollment program, mostly because she is a product of that program herself. Jasmine is planning a long-term career in the field of Dual Enrollment. She wants to help with the continuous improvement in the program so it will run in the most efficient way. Jasmine believes that her generation, Generation Z, will be the change the world needs to see. She just wants to be able to help the students that come after her excel by any means necessary.