Name*Educator/Administrator Name First Last School or OrganizationGrade Level*Please select the class grade that will attend 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Phone*Email* Student Count*Please enter with number of students will attend the event.Are you eating lunch on site?Please selectYesNoPhotograph Terms* By checking this box below, I am aware photographs and videos will be taken and used for marketing including the use of social media for this program. I have proper authorization for each student attending to be photographed or videoed. If you have questions, please email us at or call 800.332.7147 Yes, I do accept the terms What time will you arrive?* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM What time will you depart?* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM ***Note: MCSD enter 0:0 AM for these questions***Seminars Attending in order of preference:1st Seminars Option:Select Your OptionHughston Foundation Presents – Scrubs Camp 101#GotSkillzUnapologetically Me!Technically Speaking: A Conversation with Dr. Lonnie JohnsonLights, Camera, Action! (panel discussion)Technically Speaking – Women in TechnologyThink Like a Boss! (panel discussion)You-niversity 101 (panel discussion)You-niversity 101: Athlete's Edition (panel discussion)A Seat at the Table: Representation MattersCareers in MedicineCareers in ScienceLevel Up! The importance of InternshipsMock Interviews (One-to-One discussion)2nd Seminars Option:Select Your OptionHughston Foundation Presents – Scrubs Camp 101#GotSkillzUnapologetically Me!Technically Speaking: A Conversation with Dr. Lonnie JohnsonLights, Camera, Action! (panel discussion)Technically Speaking – Women in TechnologyThink Like a Boss! (panel discussion)You-niversity 101 (panel discussion)You-niversity 101: Athlete's Edition (panel discussion)A Seat at the Table: Representation MattersCareers in MedicineCareers in ScienceLevel Up! The importance of InternshipsMock Interviews (One-to-One discussion)3rd Seminars Option:Select Your OptionHughston Foundation Presents – Scrubs Camp 101#GotSkillzUnapologetically Me!Technically Speaking: A Conversation with Dr. Lonnie JohnsonLights, Camera, Action! (panel discussion)Technically Speaking – Women in TechnologyThink Like a Boss! (panel discussion)You-niversity 101 (panel discussion)You-niversity 101: Athlete's Edition (panel discussion)A Seat at the Table: Representation MattersCareers in MedicineCareers in ScienceLevel Up! The importance of InternshipsMock Interviews (One-to-One discussion)4th Seminars Option:Select Your OptionHughston Foundation Presents – Scrubs Camp 101#GotSkillzUnapologetically Me!Technically Speaking: A Conversation with Dr. Lonnie JohnsonLights, Camera, Action! (panel discussion)Technically Speaking – Women in TechnologyThink Like a Boss! (panel discussion)You-niversity 101 (panel discussion)You-niversity 101: Athlete's Edition (panel discussion)A Seat at the Table: Representation MattersCareers in MedicineCareers in ScienceLevel Up! The importance of InternshipsMock Interviews (One-to-One discussion)5th Seminars Option:Select Your OptionHughston Foundation Presents – Scrubs Camp 101#GotSkillzUnapologetically Me!Technically Speaking: A Conversation with Dr. Lonnie JohnsonLights, Camera, Action! (panel discussion)Technically Speaking – Women in TechnologyThink Like a Boss! (panel discussion)You-niversity 101 (panel discussion)You-niversity 101: Athlete's Edition (panel discussion)A Seat at the Table: Representation MattersCareers in MedicineCareers in ScienceLevel Up! The importance of InternshipsMock Interviews (One-to-One discussion)1st Seminars Option:Select Your OptionUnapologetically Me!Seminar descriptions information Click here to download PDF with all seminars info.[dt_sc_accordion_group] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="Lights, Camera, Action! (panel discussion)"] Interested in the film industry? Here are a panel of professionals that will give you insight to the latest technologies, requirements, and their experiences within the business. Georgia has become one of the most sought out locations for films, see what it takes to get involved. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="Technically Speaking (panel discussion)"] Science and technology are working together everywhere we turn. Gain firsthand knowledge about some unique professions. Check out this session to find out more. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="Level Up! (panel discussion)"] This session gives a direct look into internships and apprenticeships from the employers who offer the program. These opportunities are real life looks at what the job will offer and is a great way to gain experience before you take on your first job. Many times internships and apprenticeships lead to full time employment. Don't believe? Check out these employers and see what they have to say. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="Mock Interviews - (One-to-One discussion)"] Job interviews can be challenging, as we know. Communicating with confidence takes practice. Area HR and career professionals will offer mock interviews at the Expo. These volunteers work with students and offer positive, constructive feedback that will help students for their next “real” interview albeit a job or college admission. Volunteer career professionals will also hold mini-workshops on effective job interviewing and securing a summer job. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="You-niversity 101 (panel discussion)"] Wondering if college is really like the movies? What about what your teachers say? With this panel discussion of current and recent graduates, learn about what they wish they had done differently, things they’re glad they did, and what they wish they knew before going off to college [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="Unapologetically Me!"] Challenged with being yourself? Do you try to be who your peers want you to be? Learn how to walk the line between confidence and arrogance. Learn to market yourself and exude confidence without turning others off. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [/dt_sc_accordion_group] [dt_sc_hr_invisible][dt_sc_accordion_group] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="Hughston Foundation Presents Scrubs Camp 101"] Experience a day in the life of a medical professional. This mini hands-on, interactive session will bring awareness to medical techniques used in today’s medical profession. Design and setup are from Hughston Foundation’s Scrubs Camp. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="A Seat at the Table: Representation Matters (panel discussion)"] Curious why some people can hear the same conversation and walk away with different perspectives? Take a journey with our panelist as they share experiences regarding biases toward minorities and women in the workplace. This is a session you don’t want to miss! [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="Think Like a Boss! (panel discussion)"] Ever wonder what employers think about interviewees and employees? Here's your opportunity to receive an inside scoop. Join local professionals for a chance to ask questions and better prepare for that next connection. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="#GotSkillz"] Employers all agree that soft skills are a combination of skill sets that are highly valuable in the workplace. This session is going to help identify what soft skills are and show how soft skills can be used to effectively navigate any work environment. This is a session you do not want to miss. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="You-niversity 101: Athlete's Edition (panel discussion)"] Like You-niversity 101, this session will include discussion around athlete eligibility, course requirements, financial do’s and don’ts and so much more. Criteria is based on NCAA rules and regulations. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [dt_sc_toggle_framed title="Careers in Medicine"] Some say choosing a career in medicine is a calling which drives you to invest your intellect, skills, and passion in a demanding and rewarding profession. Here’s an opportunity to talk with medical professionals about why they were inspired to pursue a career in medicine. [/dt_sc_toggle_framed] [/dt_sc_accordion_group] [dt_sc_hr_invisible]Information**Lunch is not provided. Please bring your lunch. Seating areas for eating will be available and scheduled** Δ
Click here to download PDF with all seminars info.