By Robbie Branscomb
From Georgia Pathways Magazine (Technology Association of Georgia), September 2018
Columbus, Georgia is the planting ground for these modern-day “hidden figures.” Three long-time friends with a common passion, to inspire and instill a love for life-long learning joined forces to encourage youth through informal and engaging STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) based activities.
Equipped with a raw belief that every child should have access to meaningful STEAM opportunities, these women transformed a noble idea into a platform. Today, they head an organization that influences thousands of children in their region.
Robbie Branscomb, Leshan Ferguson and Tasheé Singleton are the partners of Let’s Grow STEAMx, a non-profit with a vision to host educationally based activities for students in their community.
“There is nothing formal in my background that points to all of this,” said Robbie Branscomb of her position as chief executive officer. While working as events coordinator the lightning bolt hit. Branscomb visualized the team’s first event, a STEAM educational challenge.
“It was what I envisioned for the next generation (through the concept of STEAM) which intrigued me. I knew the offerings of STEAM was a game changer for current and future generations. I felt compelled to create informal safe spaces for children to embrace and thrive on the huge ideas STEAM would offer them.” Although she never expected to get this involved in what started as a work project, Branscomb says, “I deeply believe the investment in our youth is an investment in our own future.”