Discovering Your Passion
Do you like putting things together, adding your own twist on a design? Maybe engineering is for you…

Personal Development
Leadership: So Let’s Talk Values
Who are you? What are your values? These are really big questions. It is never too early to begin examining yourself…

Personal Development
Leadership: What is Servant Leadership?
Who we are in what we do matters. This video helps you understand what a servant leader is…

Career Development
Entrepreneurship and Me!
Do you want to be your own boss? We get it, set your own schedule and hours, make all decisions for your business…

Career Development
Unladylike: Women Commanding Industries in Nontraditional Roles
Hear from three women who have successfully maneuvered the field and are now leaders in their own right…

Personal Development
Unapologetically Me!
Challenged with being yourself? Do you try to be who your peers want you to be? Learn how to walk the line between confidence and arrogance…