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Career Development
Career Portfolio
Every student in the state of Georgia has to complete a career portfolio. Review to see what ideas you gain…

Personal Development
Leadership: So Let’s Talk Values
Who are you? What are your values? These are really big questions. It is never too early to begin examining yourself…

Personal Development
Leadership: What is Servant Leadership?
Who we are in what we do matters. This video helps you understand what a servant leader is…

Coca Cola Space Science Center: Planetary Tales
Can you figure out the secret message in these videos? Learn about some of our planets…

Albany State University presents NASA Commercial Crew Eggstronaut Parachute Challenge
Test your knowledge as Albany State University walks through this gravity challenge with you…

Georgia Tech Presents Science of Toys: Fidget Spinners
Did you ever wonder how some toys worked? Maybe, why some last longer than others? Check in with Georgia Tech…