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Alabama Power presents Engineering Explorers’ Post
When you turn on your phone/tablet/laptop or plug it in, do you think about how it generates its power? Electricity is all around us…

Hughston Foundation Presents: Medical Illustrations
Did you know there are a lot of artists in different science professions? STEAM is real! Art is used to help visually tell the story behind science…

Employers all agree that soft skills are a combination of skill sets that are highly valuable in the workplace…

Technical College/Apprenticeship – Is it for Me?
What exactly happens at a technical college? You gain real-world skillsets that can be put into the workforce quickly…

Unapologetically Me!
Challenged with being yourself? Do you try to be who your peers want you to be? Learn how to walk the line between confidence and arrogance…

Think Like a Boss!
Ever wonder what employers think about interviewees and employees? Here’s your opportunity to receive an inside scoop…